
Small soldiers game art
Small soldiers game art

The leader of the Commandos, his main objective is to destroy the gorgonites with any means necessary. (all of which feature as bosses in the game) Major Chip Hazard These mystical Gorgonites are the controllers of the gateways between Gorgonite realms, they appear at the end of every level and must be presented with various coloured keys scattered throughout the level in order for Archer to progress to the next realm. The flying Gorgonite resembling a large bat, who swoops in from the sky when summoned to rain down fire on any nearby enemies. Known by his fellow Gorgonites as "The Walking Whoopee Cushion", he will, when summoned, unleash an overwhelming stench that sends any enemy Commandos fleeing for cover. He is a new Gorgonite which is not seen the movie. On rare occasions during the game, both Punch It and Scratch It will appear together and perform devastating tag team moves. When summoned he uses his boulder fist to slam through any attacking enemies.Īs from the name he is a creature which was torn apart by the commados and put back together in a disfigured way.Ī two-legged Gorgonite and close friend to Punch It when summoned he will run rampant across the battlefield, using his oversized teeth to attach to enemy Commandos. While he prefers non-violence and is generally regarded by his friends as a gentle giant, his mighty power can take down enemies in a instant. The biggest Gorgonite, who`s appearence is of a hunch back. Uncontrollable friend who uses his spin attack against the Commandos. When summoned he will use his razor sharp claws to cut through any enemies in the area. He gets to summon his fellow mates to help in his quest to protect Gorgon.Īrchers transporter who is a one eyed creature.Ī large rhino-like, orange monster, and close friend of Archer. Gorgonites leader, who uses his arm as a cross bow, considered the most bravest out of all the Gorgonites. Archer modes where you either need to capture flags or get a set amount of frags. Multiplayer includes two head-to-head two-player Chip vs. Many levels involve freeing captured Gorgonites who will then join you in battle against the Commandos. The game is a mix of platforming and third-person combat, with the player being able to jump and traverse ledges in the platforming sections, and fight using Archer's crossbow and 13 other weapons when in combat. There are fourteen levels in the single player campaign, that follows Archer and his fellow Gorgonites as they try to defend their homeworld from the invading army of Commandos.

Small soldiers game art movie#

Instead of following the plot of the movie and showing the Gorgonites fighting the Commandos in houses and gardens, the game is set in the land of Gorgon, homeworld to the Gorgonites, as described on the back of the action figure's boxes in the film. The soundtrack for the game was composed by Michael Giacchino.Small Soldiers is a third-person action game. There are two game modes in multiplayer mode frag mode where a player must score five kills before the other player does so and flag Mode where a player must return all three flags to their base. For Chip Hazard his default weapon is a rapid-fire pistol, which can receive new ammunition types. The gameplay is the same as single-player.

small soldiers game art

In multiplayer mode, players can play as either Archer or Chip Hazard.

small soldiers game art small soldiers game art

The player is equipped with a rapid-fire crossbow, which can receive new ammunition types and which has several accuracies and strengths. Players take the role of Archer, as he battles against the Commando Elite, led by Chip Hazard. The game is set where the Commando Elite are trying to eliminate the Gorgonites and destroy their home.

Small soldiers game art